Welcome to blissmoss.com, operated by Of Bliss (“we”, “us”, or “our”). By accessing our website and using our services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms”). Please read them carefully before using our services.

Use of Site

You may use our site for lawful purposes only and in compliance with these Terms. Unauthorized use of the site or its content for commercial purposes without our prior written consent is prohibited.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content on our site, including text, graphics, logos, images, and software, is the property of Of Bliss or its content suppliers and protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works from the content without our express written permission.

Product Sales and Descriptions

We strive to ensure that all details, descriptions, and prices of products appearing on the site are accurate. However, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any goods you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it.

Returns and Refunds

Please review our Return Policy, which forms part of these Terms, for information on returning products and receiving refunds.

User Accounts

If you create an account on our site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password.

Links to Third-party Websites

Our site may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Of Bliss, its directors, employees, or agents be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of your use of the site.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Of Bliss, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of these Terms or any activity related to your account (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the site using your Internet account.

Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state/country where Of Bliss is located, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes will mean you accept those changes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at:

Of Bliss
524 Elizabeth St. #3
Postal Code: 33040
Email: ofbliss@protonmail.com
Phone: +13479916849

This document was last updated on [Insert Date].

Please note: This template is provided for general informational purposes and should be tailored to reflect the specific circumstances and requirements of your website or service. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your terms and conditions are comprehensive and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

General terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions


These General Terms and Conditions govern the use of our services and website. By accessing or using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and all terms incorporated by reference. If you do not agree to all of these terms, do not use our services.

Use of Services

You may use our services only as permitted by law, including applicable export and re-export control laws and regulations. We may suspend or stop providing our services to you if you do not comply with our terms or policies or if we are investigating suspected misconduct.

Privacy and Copyright Protection

Our privacy policies explain how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our services. By using our services, you agree that we can use such data in accordance with our privacy policies. Furthermore, we respect the intellectual property of others and ask that users of our services do the same.

Your Content in Our Services

Some of our services allow you to upload, submit, store, send, or receive content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours.

About Software in Our Services

When a service requires or includes downloadable software, this software may update automatically on your device once a new version or feature is available. Some services may let you adjust your automatic update settings.

Modifying and Terminating Our Services

We are constantly changing and improving our services. We may add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop a service altogether. You can stop using our services at any time, although we’ll be sorry to see you go. We may also stop providing services to you or add or create new limits to our services at any time.

Our Warranties and Disclaimers

We provide our services using a commercially reasonable level of skill and care and we hope that you will enjoy using them. But there are certain things that we don’t promise about our services.

Liability for Our Services

When permitted by law, we will not be responsible for lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages.

Business Uses of Our Services

If you are using our services on behalf of a business, that business accepts these terms. It will hold harmless and indemnify us and our affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any claim, suit, or action arising from or related to the use of the services or violation of these terms, including any liability or expense arising from claims, losses, damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs, and attorneys’ fees.

About These Terms

We may modify these terms or any additional terms that apply to a service to, for example, reflect changes to the law or changes to our services. You should look at the terms regularly. We’ll post notice of modifications to these terms on this page. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions for a service or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately.